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Global Positioning System Fix Data


|Structure |Description |Symbol |Example |
|:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- |
|$GPGGA |Log header | |$GPGGA |
|utc |UTC time status of position (hours/minutes/seconds/ decimal seconds) | |202134.00 |
|lat |Latitude ( |llll.ll |5106.9847 |
|lat dir |Latitude direction (N=North, S=South) |a |N |
|lon |Longitude ( |yyyyy.yy |11402.2986 |
|lon dir |Longitude direction(E=East, W=West) |a |W |
|quality |refer to "GPS Quality Indicators" | x |1 |
|# sats |Number of satelites in use. May be different to the number in view |xx |10 |
|hdop |Horizontal dilution of precision | x.x |1.0 |
|alt |Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level |x.x |1062.22 |
|a-units |Units of antenna altitude (M=metres) |M |M|
|undulation |Undulation - the relationship between the geoid and the WGS84 ellipsiod |x.x |-16.271 |
|u-units |Units of undulation(M=metres) |M |M |
|age |Age of correction data (in seconds). The maximum age reported here is limited to 99 sec. |xx |(empty when no differential data is present) |
|stn ID |Differential base station ID |xxx |(empty when no differential data is present) |
|\*xx |Checksum |\*hh |\*48 |
|{CR}{LF} |Sentence terminator | |{CR}{LF} |

GPS Quality Indicators:

|Indicator |Description |
|:--- |:--- |
|0 |Fix not available or invalid |
|1 |Single point<br/>Converging PPP(TerraStar-L) |
|2 |Pseudo-range differential<br/>Converged PPP(TerraStar-L)<br/>Converging PPP(TerraStar-C, TerraStar-C PRO, TerraStar-X) |
|4 |RTK fixed ambiguity solution |
|5 |RTK floating ambiguity solution<br/>Converged PPP(TerraStar-C, TerraSTar-C PRO, TerraSTar-X) |
|6 |Dead reckoning mode |
|7 |Manual input mode (fixed position) |
|8 |Simulator mode |
|9 |WAAS(SBAS) |

Geographic position



|Structure |Description |Example |
|:--- |:--- |:--- |
|$GPGLL |Log header |$GPGLL |
|lat |Latitude ( |5106.7198674 |
|lat dir |Latitude direction (N = North, S = South) |N |
|lon |Longitude ( |11402.3587526 |
|lon dir |Longitude direction (E = East, W = West) |W |
|utc |UTC time status of position (hours/minutes/seconds/decimal seconds) |220152.50 |
|data status |Data status: A = Data valid, V = Data invalid |A |
|mode ind |Positioning system mode indicator, see Table: NMEA Positioning System Mode Indicator |A |
|\*xx |Check sum |*1B |
|{CR}{LF} |Sentence terminator |{CR}{LF} |

NMEA Positioning System Mode Indicator:

|Mode |Indicator |
|:--- |:--- |
|A |Autonomous |
|D |Differential |
|E |Estimated (dead reckoning) mode |
|M |Manual input |
|N |Data not valid |

GPS DOP and active satellites



|Structure |Description |Symbol |Example |
|:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- |
|$GPGSA |Log header | |$GPGSA |
|mode MA |A = Automatic 2D/3D<br/>M = Manual, forced to operate in 2D or 3D |M |M |
|mode 123 |Mode: 1 = Fix not available; 2 = 2D; 3 = 3D |x |3 |
|prn |PRN numbers of satellites used in solution (null for unused fields), total of 12 fields<br/><li><ul>GPS = 1 to 32</ul><ul>SBAS = 33 to 64 (add 87 for PRN number)</ul><ul>GLO = 65 to 96</ul></li>|xx,xx,..... |18,03,13,25,16,24,12,20,,,, |
|pdop |Position dilution of precision |x.x |1.5 |
|hdop |Horizontal dilution of precision |x.x |0.9 |
|vdop |Vertical dilution of precision |x.x |1.2 |
|system ID |GNSS system ID. GPS System ID = 1, L1 C/A Signal ID = 1 | | |
|\*xx |Checksum |\*hh |\*3F |
|{CR}{LF} |Sentence terminator |{CR}{LF} |

GPS Satellites in View


$GPGSV,3,1,11,18,87,050,48,22,56,250,49,21,55,122,49,03,40,284,4778 $GPGSV,3,2,11,19,25,314,42,26,24,044,42,24,16,118,43,29,15,039,427E $GPGSV,3,3,11,09,15,107,44,14,11,196,41,07,03,173,4D $GLGSV,2,1,06,65,64,037,41,66,53,269,43,88,39,200,44,74,25,051,64 $GLGSV,2,2,06,72,16,063,35,67,01,253,*66

|Structure |Description |Symbol |Example |
|:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- |
|$GPGSV |Log header | |$GPGSV |
|# msgs |Total number of messages (1-9) |x |3 |
|msg # |Message number (1-9) |x |1 |
|# sats |Total number of satellites in view. May be different than the number of satellites in use |xx |09 |
|prn |Satellites PRN number<br/><li><ul>GPS = 1 to 32</ul><ul>Galileo = 1 to 36</ul><ul>BeiDou = 1 to 63</ul><ul>NavIC = 1 to 14</ul><ul>QZSS = 1 to 10</ul><ul>SBAS = 33 to 64 (add 87 for PRN#s)</ul><ul>GLONASS = 65 to 96</ul></li> |xx |03 |
|elev |Elevation, degree, Max 90 |xx |51 |
|azimuth |Azimuth, degree True, 000 to 359 |xxx |140 |
|SNR |SNR (C/No) 00-99dB, null when not tracking |xx |42 |
|... |Next satellite PRN number, elev, azimuth, SNR | | |
|system ID |GNSS system ID | | |
|\*xx |Checksum |\*hh |\*72 |
|{CR}{LR} |Sentence terminator | |{CR}{LR} |

GPS specific information


$GPRMC,144326.00,A,5107.0017737,N,11402.3291611,W,0.080,323.3,210307,0.0,E,A*20 ```

Structure Field Description Symbol Example  
$GPRMC Log header   $GPRMC  
utc UTC of position 144326.00  
pos status Position status (A = data valid, V = data invalid) A A  
lat Latitude ( llll.ll 5107.0017737  
lat dir Latitude direction: (N = North, S = South) a N  
lon Longitude ( yyyyy.yy 11402.3291611  
lon dir Longitude direction: (E = East, W = West) a W  
speed Kn Speed over ground, knots x.x 0.080  
track true Track made good, degrees True x.x 323.3  
date Date: dd/mm/yy xxxxxx 210307  
mag var Magnetic variation, degrees Note that this field is the actual magnetic variation and will always be positive. The direction of the magnetic variation is always positive. x.x 0.0
var dir Magnetic variation direction E/W Easterly variation (E) subtracts from True course.    
Westerly variation (W) adds to True course. a E    
mode ind Positioning system mode indicator, see Table: NMEA Positioning System Mode Indicator a A  
*xx Checksum *hh *20  
{CR}{LR} Sentence terminator   {CR}{LR}  

NMEA Positioning System Mode Indicator:

Mode Indicator
A Autonomous
D Differential
E Estimated (dead reckoning) mode
M Manual input
N Data not valid