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thesis: Motion tracking in field sports using GPS and IMU

1. Introduction

1.2 Background

2. Methods and materials

2.2. Sensors

2.2.1 Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU)

2.3 Filters

2.3.1 Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)

Unscented Transformation

Update formular

Handling quaternions in the unscented tranformation

2.3.2 Madgwick filter

Orientation from angular velocity
Orientation from a homogeneous field

Orientation from a homogeneous field

Fusion process

2-4 Models

2-4-1 Linear Kalmann filter

2-4-2 Translation UKF

2-4-3 Rotation UKF

2-4-4 Full state

2-4-5 Filter Configuration