Study notes
- Bluetooth Low Energy
- Bluetooth Classic
- Digital Audio Broadcasting
- GNU Radio:Core Concepts
- GNU Radio:Writing Python App
- GNU Radio:GNU Radio App on Windows
- Book: 4G LTE-Advanced Pro and The Road to 5G
- Book: 5G LTE Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT)
- book: ARM Cortex-M3 definitive guide (Joseph Yiu)
- book: 확률과 통계 입문 (Basic probability & statistics)
- book: Bayesian Estimation and Tracking
- book: 수식이 보이는 공학수학 (Engineering Mathematics)
- book: 공학 핵심수학essential engineering mathmatics
- Book: Internet of Things for Architects (Packt Publishing)
- Book: Internet of Things Principles and Paradigms (Morgan Kaufmann)
- book: introduction to mathmatical statistics
- book: 수학으로 풀어보는 칼만필터 알고리즘
- Book: 칼만 필터Kalman filter는 어렵지 않아
- book: Kreyszig 공업 수학advanced engineering mathmatics
- book: Dynamics
- book: Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for Electrical Engineeering 3rd
- book; 이공계생을 위한 확률과 통계 (Probability & Statistics)
- book: 이해하는 미적분 수업The Calculus Story: A Mathematical Adventure
- Book: The TCP/IP guide by Charles M. Kozierok
- book: 일반 수학의 정석; 확률과 통계
- book: 파이썬 알고리즘 인터뷰
- Book: 혼자 공부하는 파이썬
- Lightweight Machine to Machine Technical Specification
- paper: Kalman Filter로 IMU와 GPS 결합
- thesis: sensor fusion of GPS and accelerometer data for estimation of vehicle dynamics
- thesis: Motion tracking in field sports using GPS and IMU